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  • MAY 媽辣椒醬 Mama Chow’s Chili Sauce

    MAY 媽辣椒醬 Mama Chow’s Chili Sauce  150g

    Ingredients: garlic, organic sunflower oil, bird’s eye chilli, fermented black bean, sea salt, soy sauce, agave nectar

    成份: 蒜頭, 有機葵花籽油, 指天椒, 豆豉, 海鹽, 生抽, 有機藍色龍舌蘭花蜜

    本地製造 | Made in Hong Kong
    新鮮食品 不含防腐劑 | No preservatives added
    開封後需冷藏 | Refridgerate after opening 


    $128.00 Add to cart